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Formulate iPad Freestanding Tablet Kiosk 02


The sleekly-designed Formulate® iPad Kiosk 02 is a freestanding tablet kiosk that makes

it easy to encourage interactivity, present information and engage customers in any

Formulate iPad Kiosk 02

space. Featuring a sturdy aluminum tube

frame, weighted base for stability and

pillowcase fabric graphic, assembly is easy!

With a graphic that narrows at the center

where the iPad attaches, providing space at

the top for eye-catching, Kiosk 02 is a perfect

addition to any trade show, event or retail

environment. Make an impact with Formulate

iPad Kiosk 02! iPad is not included in kit.

Kit includes: - One frame - One dye-sublimated pillowcase fabric graphic - One iPad holder*

- One wheeled molded OCH2 storage case - State-of-the-art 30mm aluminum tube frame

with sturdy internal spigot assembly - Easy to store and ship - Quick to set up *Holder

compatible with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Air iPad models only iPad not included

Qty/Product Each
Formulate iPad Kiosk 02 Quote

Jan 08/24

Portable Display Kiosks