Active Search Results - (ASR) is an independent Internet
Search Engine using Active Search Results Page Ranking
Technology (ASR Ranking) with
Millions Our Technology.
Ranking is a new search engine
page ranking algorithm that
allows search engines to rank
search results...Learn
CanadianPlanet.net - provides a collection of online resources
which include classified ads, forums, directories and various
email services, (the Service)
subject to the Terms of Use (the
Terms). By using the Service,
you agree to comply with
Ecosia - You search the web, we plant trees Ecosia is like any
other search engine, with one
major difference; we use our
profits to plant trees. Our trees
benefit people, the environment
and local economies.
Hotfrog - Your business is unique. Use Hotfrog to tell
customers what you do differently. 700,000 people are making
more than 126,000 enquiries to
businesses on Hotfrog every
month. Add your business and
be found. Its free.
Create your
business profile now.
Listings Canada - is owned and operated by LWorld Media
a Nova Scotian-based publisher of online directories for
and The U.S. Our sites
receive close to 100,000 visitors
month, with approx. 400,000 page
Search encrypt - The Search Encrypt extension protects
privacy by detecting searches that may be tracked and tied
your personal information. It
intercepts those searches and
redirects them to Search Encrypt's
privacy-enhanced search
engine which will be set to your
default search engine.