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Anti-Slip Floor Graphics Square


.007 Anti-Slip Floor Graphics Square 12.5 x 12.5 in. digital 4CP Floor Graphics .007

opaque white vinyl with clear anti-skid lamination, Square shape 12.5" x 12.5" with..

Anti-Slip Floor Graphics Square

round corners. Four colour process high

resolution sub-surface imprint, any bleed

edge included. Free electronic proof when

your file supplied to our specifications.

Copy or design changes add $39 each. True

color pre-production sample recommended

add $75 If artwork required add $35 per half

hour electronic proof included. Over/underrun

allow plus or minus 5% with appropriate

billing. Production time 10 working days from artwork approval. Exact repeat orders deduct

2% from current prices. Made in Canada.

Qty/Product 25 50 100 250 500
Price 17.30 11.00 8.35 7.60 7.40

Oct 21/24

Custom Floor Decals