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Rounded Corners Doorknob Hangers

SKU: DH6/020

White vinyl Rounded Corners Doorknob Hangers .020 thick with round corners 4x9

Screen-printed, any bleed edge. Copy changes in multiples of 500 add $25 per color..

DH6/020 - .020 White Vinyl Rounded Corners Door Hangers

4CP Copy or design changes in multiples of

125 add $39.00 each. 4CP - True color pre

press proof recommended add $60. Back

imprint add $35. plus additional color charge

If artwork required add $35.00 per half hour,

electronic proof included. Over / underrun

allow plus or minus 5% with appropriate

billing. Exact repeat orders prices as shown.

Qty/Product 250 500 1000 2500 5000
4CP - Four color process 2.56 1.83 1.39 1.06 .96
4CP - Back imprint .77 .51 .38 .28 .24
Spot Color Back imprint .88 .56 .35 .24 .17

Nov 27/24

Doorknob Hangers